Tuesday, December 21, 2004

::Porn Wars::

Over the last coupla weeks, almost everybody who's anybody has had something to say about this apparent rise in porn in India. Just this morning, the CEO of Baazee.com was arrested with accordance to the IT act, which bans selling of pornographic material. E-Bay doesn't seem to be too elated at this development, and I think this is just the start of a stiff stand-off between the government and corporate policies.

People are frantic, and word's going around that the people accessing this material are being traced by goverment agencies. Now, how Indian Government agencies are going to pin down civilians for seeing porn, is something that passes over my head. Another point is that as long as you have a dial-up account, the IP address of your machine is changed dynamically every time you connect, and even if you did watch any porn, or download it, you are probably safe. And given the commitment that has been seen of governmental agencies in pinning down cyber criminals over the years, the probability of people being apprehended for the transfer of porn on the web, and over mobile phones, drops to the minimum.

I, however, have not watched this stuff, and any government people watching this space, better get off my tail. Maybe I'll watch it, maybe I won't. But one thing is for sure, India is changing, and as far as I am concerned, it is all for the better. How long are we going to go around crapping about Indian values, culture, and ethics. IIT and DPS have shown the way, transparecy is the thing that everyone likes, and this will be the future!


At 8:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't ISPs maintain logs of the IPs assigned to the various dialup Account holders? with a sub poena police can force the to hand over the IPs assigned. this has happened in various investigations i believe.

At 3:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

DPS has shown you the way and you appreciate the transperancy?!! Have any idea how important ethics are?
if there are many more just like you, we may get a chance to find out that horrible state soon enough.
Be Nice.


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